There are so many opinions on how to deal with behavior in the classroom.
Consequences. Rewards. Clip Charts. Points. All the things!

In my classroom, I choose to focus primarily on positive behavior. One of the ways that I do this is by rewarding my students with classroom cash, or what we call Dills Dollars! Students earn Dills Dollars for all different reasons. From walking in the hallway correctly, being a role model on the carpet, or cleaning up trash off the floor. I give out Dills Dollars frequently at the beginning of the year to help promote positive behavior.
Students keep their Dills Dollars in their wallets. I use these black pencil pouches for their wallets and they’ve worked great! I print out a tag with their name for them to keep inside their wallets. This helps everyone keep track of their own wallets and makes sure they don’t get mixed up!
Every other Friday, my students get to shop at Tiny Target! I knew I wanted a classroom store and my love for Target runs deep, so it made perfect sense to make a Tiny Target in my classroom!
For Tiny Target I use red bins with lids. Nothing fancy, but it works perfectly! Each bin has a different price point. I’ve tried different prices based on how many Dills Dollars I hand out during a particular school year and found what works best for me!
I’ve purchased different things for my bins and have also asked families to donate! You can always start small and only have a couple of bins or have lots of bins with many different price points!

For my $2 bin I use Classroom Reward coupons for items that cost me no money- Furry Friend Day, Hat Day, Line Breaker, etc. I also put in pieces of bubble gum or any small candy that is left over from something we use in class!
For the $5 bin I usually include candy! Anything from M&M’s to Skittles or Sour Patch Kids! Inside the $10 bin, there are various toys that I purchased from Amazon, Target or Wal-Mart. The party supplies are a great place to look for these items!
Inside the $15 bin, there are larger toys and keychains. The $20 bin is where I put the larger toys or things from the Dollar store! I’ve also purchased some smaller items from the Target clearance section!
I can’t wait to hear all about how you use Tiny Target in your classroom!

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